When a new idea is still fuzzy, everyone in the room holds a different vision in their heads. Framer gives us a way to turn our concepts into something tangible.

Share your challenge with our team and we'll work with you to deliver a revolutionary digital product.

Powerful and Effective cooperation lasting for years
Spilna Sprava was founded in 90-th by the group of individuals who decided to create their proprietary business after leaving Flextronix Ukraine and Atomic Dog Publishing in the US. Since then we have grew up as an experienced team including 60 full-time developers and about up to 15 developers working part-time. Most our employees have either bachelor or Master of Science degree in computer sciences or applied mathematics or electronics. Our team is based on specialists from Vinnytsia National Technical University (It is one of the best Ukrainian Technical Universities with high level of education in information technologies and computer engineering).
Since years Spilna Sprava has become a world class company that offers brilliant custom solutions to meet all of customer’s computing needs. From programming solutions, network design and installation, training, and 24 hour support services. Spilna Sprava is sure to make your business within your budget, in time and at the most appropriate cost. By effectively making use of technology you can spend your time getting the job done, instead of spending your time trying to figure out how to get it done. End result? More hours in a day for you to do what you need to do or better yet, what YOU want to!
Solid background based on proven integration of science and practice
Company Details
Spilna Sprava was established at the beginning of 90th by teachers and employees of Vinnitsa National Technical University. At that time the University itself acted as an incubator for a wide range of companies that are operating at the high-tech market now. Scientific and technical enterprise «Spilna Sprava» is one of them. The company became one of the first enterprises developing and implementing organizational and administrative computer systems on the enterprises of Podol region of Ukraine. During the past years the company implemented a great number of business-projects, most of which were in the sphere of high-tech and software development.
Today the basic specializations of the company are: processing, encoding and transmitting media content to Media Servers, development of multifunction ERP systems on the basis of client-server technologies, development of wide range products for managing FIX connections between multiple trading sides, allowing to manage financial resources and carry out electronic trade; varied system appendixes; software and hardware systems that are used in complex objects’ modeling and visualization; development of expert models, training specialists, advising and performing trade operations in the international exchanges via Internet technologies with the use of modern methods of decision making etc. All of the above mentioned require not only skilled software developers, but also highly experienced staff with scientific background. Among the partners and clients of «Spilna Sprava» there are not only entities based in Ukraine, but also companies from the USA, Israel, Russian Federation.
Unique possibilities «Spilna Sprava» is providing are based upon its highly qualified staff comprising of professors and students of Vinnitsa National Technical University, that is considered to be one of leading Ukrainian universities. Among the companies employees there are specialists with PhD’s and master’s degrees. All of them are experienced specialists in the area of mathematical design and information technologies possessing a wide range of published scientific works, awards and honors received at Ukrainian and international competitions, symposiums, workshops and conferences.
«Spilna Sprava» today is a dynamically developing company led by a strong group of programmers, managers and mathematicians, ready to accomplish even the most complicated tasks with the use of varied scientific methods and up to date computer technologies.
More than 15 yearsof experience in building complex IT-systems
We are proud to be experts in the following technologies:
Operating Systems
- Microsoft Windows 98 / 2000 / XP / 2003 / VISTA / 2008 / Seve
- Sun Solaris 7 / 8
- Linux CentOS / SuSE / RedHat / Ubuntu
Cloud & CDN Systems
- Amazon AWS - EC2 / VPC / S3 / CloudFront / LB / AutoScaling
- Cotendo CDN
- Akamai CDN
- Custom reverse proxies and Geo DNS
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
- Oracle 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
- MS SQL Server 2000 / 2005 / 2008
- MySQL 3 / 4 / 5
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- MS Visual Studio 6.0 / 2003 / 2005 / 2008 / 2010
- Borland JBuilder
- Eclipse
- Borland C++ Builder, JBuilder
Project Management
Configuration Tools
- Microsoft Project
- Microsoft SourceSafe
- SourceGear SourceOffSite / Vault
- Seapine TestTrack Pro
Reporting and OLAP
- Crystal Reports
Modeling Methodologies / Case Tools
- CA ERwin Data Modeler
- Microsoft Visio
- Oracle Designer
- JBuilder
- Enterprise Architect
Test Automation Tools
- HP WebRunner
- HP LoadRunner
- HP Quality Center
- JUnit/NUnit
- JMeter
Application Servers and Web Servers
- BEA WebLogic Server
- Microsoft IIS 5 / 6 / 7
- Apache / Tomcat / JBoss
- Macromedia ColdFusion
Programming Languages
- Java Enterprise
- C/C++
- ASP.NET / C# / J# / VB.NET
- Scripting Languages ASP / PHP / Perl / Java Script / ColdFsuion
- Macromedia Action Script / Flash / Flex
Video Processing Technologies and SDKs
- Microsoft DirectShow Technologies
- Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 SDK's
- MainConcept SDK
- Elecard SDK
- Dicas SDK
Video Processing Servers
- Flash Media Serve
- Live 555 RTSP Server
We do care about our employees trying to provide only the job that meets their interests and skills
At present we are proud to offer the following vacancies:
- Android Developer – C++, C#, Java, J2ME, Android, Agile, JUnit.
- Android developers with a background in either C++, Java or J2ME required for a finance-industry targeted mobile app development projects.
- We need strong Java, C++, J2ME or C# developers with application development experience on Android OS (iOS, iPhone, Blackberry or Windows Phone experience also considered) to help port existing applications and develop new products and user-friendly UI designs
In order to submit your inquiry please fill this form .
Get in Touch
Spilna Sprava realizes that the only way to supply better service for you, is to listen to the input that you have to offer. Spilna Sprava has made this a primary focus, to keep its ears open to your demands. Spilna Sprava wants to provide you and your company with the World Class Service that you are looking for. Spilna Sprava is constantly striving to forge ahead of the industry to provide you with a higher quality of service. Spilna Sprava always has the time to reply to your needs. Whether you are looking for a week’s worth of consulting or a year’s worth of services, our professionals will assist you with the best of their ability